Oczekiwania pasażerów komunikacji miejskiej: wyniki nowego badania

Passengers also have different expectations related to communication, specifically with other passengers. One of the Krakow carriers asked about passengers’ expectations regarding fellow passengers.

On the City Communication Company (MPK) website, passengers could vote for the most annoying behaviors of other passengers for two months. They could also report their expectations. What do passengers expect from other people in public transportation?

Questions for the survey were prepared based on the opinions of Krakow’s MPK passengers, gathered from social media, suggestions submitted directly to MPK, and feedback from conductors. What is the result?

Passengers most expect that others traveling with them will not play loud music. Read more Maybe one ticket can be created that combines different types of public transportation. The Ministry of Infrastructure has started work on the Nationwide Integrated Ticket (OBZ) project. – This was the answer of every third person participating in the vote – says Marek Gancarczyk, spokesperson for MPK. In second place among the most expected behaviors was not blocking doors on trams and buses.

  • This refers to situations when passengers cannot enter or exit the vehicle just because the doors are blocked by other people standing next to them, even though there is plenty of space inside the vehicle, including available seats.
  • Such reprehensible behavior was pointed out by as much as 26% of voters.

Thirdly, the most anticipated behavior was giving up a seat to another person who needs it. As it turns out, passengers also expect that others will not litter on the vehicles (11%), will take off their backpack while traveling on trams and buses (10%), and will return a found item left by someone else (6%).

Urban carriers remind passengers of the proper behavior on buses and trams. In addition to all these behaviors mentioned by survey participants, the spokesperson for Krakow’s MPK „added” one more, which passengers complained about directly to him but was not included in the online survey.

It involves occupying a seat with a backpack, bag, or other luggage. Passenger expectations, however, are that the traveler will remove the luggage lying next to them and allow another passenger to take the seat – emphasizes the spokesperson.

Zone of Clean Transport (SCT) in Krakow will be established, but certainly not from this summer. Its regulations will come into force with a significant delay.

Carriers and organizers of public transportation in other cities did not survey passengers’ expectations regarding fellow travelers using an online survey or questionnaire. However, some remind passengers of public transport about proper behavior.

The Poznan City Communication Company is implementing information and educational campaigns based on repeated reports or questions from passengers, as well as based on reports about fare dodging. This has resulted in materials on the rules of traveling by public transport with a child in a stroller, rules for transporting bicycles, scooters, as well as the operation of the Lost and Found Office at MPK Poznan – says Agnieszka Smogulecka, spokesperson for MPK Poznan.

On the other hand, Krakow’s MPK is running the campaign „Be considerate – give up your seat” because about 14% of the surveyed passengers voted in the online survey for giving up seats to entitled passengers.